Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pride Parade 2014

This is another parade that I had never been to in over 10 years of living in NYC. I'm very happy I made it.
This is the map I used to get there courtesy of these guys 

And these are some of my favorite pics
 I consider circumcision barbaric so I was happy to see this float go by.
 This is the Housing Works float. You can't help but admire that all they do is fight AIDS and AIDS stigma.

 This guy has a Jamaican flag, which is interesting because Jamaican's are notoriously homophobic. I'm not sure if he was showing that there are gay men in Jamaica, or if he was protesting Jamaican's treatment of gay men since he had some fliers.
                                                                  A queen I presume.
 Some sexay mens :0
Here is a link to more pics