Friday, October 10, 2008

Learning Spanish

I did try to learn Spanish for the trip to San Juan, but I suffer from the disease procrastination. Now on my iGoogle page I have a feed of one Spanish word per day. I still haven't learned anything. I somehow got by on "Hola, habla engles?" and many hand gestures. Quite frankly today I see three words instead of one, on my iGoogle page, and I don't know if that is because I haven't figured out how to get rid of things that I read already or they are actually-shockingly-giving me more than one word a day! So anyway, my GF and I are planning -platonic GF that is-a trip to Europe, and hope to visit all the countries that require a schengen visa. So now I need to learn Spanish, French, Dutch and German, and so on. Needless to say I intend to practice on you, dear reader. Hola, a veces mi madre reganar mi. Like when she found out that I went to San Juan for the weekend without telling her. Feel free to let me know if I just cursed in Spanish. I don't mind hearing the truth.


VanClar said...

ha ha ha
as usual Tev u crack me up!

VanClar said...

btw wats a schengen visa?